Welcome! This site is an endeavor to spread an attitude of positive thinking and optimism. By searching for joy and beauty in all things - even the mundane, perhaps a smile will spread from my computer ... to you!

Friday, January 6, 2012



Well, after a year (actually - it's been OVER a year!) I'm back....  at least, I think I'm back! (insert smiley face here!)

Alas, what BETTER time of year - when making New Year's resolutions - to re-start, jump-start, RENEW my outlet for self-expression and optimism?  Due partly to just letting LIFE "get in the way," I've also experienced some major set-backs within my life - I think I've spent the last few months of this year just reflecting on all that has happened in that time-frame.  Both good and bad, it's definitely been a roller-coaster of a ride!

One thing I've discovered in my absence from this page, is that I was experiencing a tremendous amount of guilt during those less-than-stellar moments in my life when I attempted to sit down to spread a positive thought out into the world... I mistakenly felt that I just couldn't do it.  I've always known deep within me what I wanted this blog to represent.  During all these lower points, I took a (probably) too-deep look at my current situation and ended up developing a major pity-party for myself in the process!

Besides a major health scare and another open-heart surgery for my husband, ailing parents, financial issues, job searching... I previously thought the year was just going down hill all the way.  But believe me, I've also had PLENTY to be happy and thankful for as well this past year...  So then, what about those moments that weren't so bad, or so ugly, or so horrible?  Simple.  Laziness.

I let myself slip out of the habit of writing  - and sharing.  The next thing I knew - three months had gone by - then six, then twelve.  Isn't that how we let most bad habits take over?  Without thinking - without focus  it . just . happens .

And so - my "theme" this evening, if you will - in keep with our traditions of renewal during the month of January - is that it's o.k. .....


My mission statement within this blog has always been - and will continue to be - to spread a positive word - or smile, if you will.  I hope you will continue to walk with me in that endeavor, while I learn to cut myself some slack in my self-expectations! 

I might not be able to write each and every single day, but I'm going to set a NEW goal that I start by trying to post at least once a week - and hopefully, the good habits return, and I post more than that! And if I don't - I don't.  But I won't get all "hung up" about it!

I sincerely pray that all of you are looking UP at this time - looking ahead to the possibilities, and taking the time to re-charge and re-kindle your batteries.  Happy New Year to all of you - I look forward to renewing some blogger friendships, and making new ones!!!

Pay it forward - spread a smile!!!


(photo courtesy Google Images)